Prem Chauhan
h a r r y



Prem Chauhan


11 Sep, 2024



Here are the definitions for Main food types we have in dietary system:

1. Vegetarian: A diet that excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but allows dairy products and eggs.

2. Non-Vegetarian: A diet that includes meat, fish, poultry, and animal by-products.

3. Eggitarian: A diet that excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but allows eggs and dairy products.

4. Vegan: A diet that excludes all animal products, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and even honey.

5. Pescatarian: A diet that excludes meat and poultry, but allows fish and seafood, and may also include eggs and dairy products.

Additionally, there are other food types, such as:

1. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: A diet that excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but allows eggs and dairy products.

2. Lacto-vegetarian: A diet that excludes meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, but allows dairy products.

3. Ovo-vegetarian: A diet that excludes meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products, but allows eggs.

4. Flexitarian: A diet that is primarily vegetarian but occasionally includes small amounts of meat.

5. Pollotarian: A diet that excludes red meat and fish, but allows poultry and may also include eggs and dairy products.



Is Their any other food types?

Yes, here are some additional food types:

1. Fruitarian: A diet that consists mainly of fruits, nuts, and seeds.

2. Gluten-free: A diet that excludes foods containing gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

3. Raw foodist: A diet that consists mainly of uncooked and unprocessed foods.

4. Macrobiotic: A diet that emphasizes whole grains, beans, and vegetables, and restricts animal products and processed foods.

5. Kosher: A diet that follows Jewish dietary laws, restricting certain animal products and requiring meat and dairy to be separated.

6. Halal: A diet that follows Islamic dietary laws, restricting certain animal products and requiring meat to be prepared in a specific way.

7. Paleo: A diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods, excluding grains, dairy, and processed meats.

8. Whole30: A diet that eliminates grains, dairy, legumes, and processed foods for 30 days.

9. Low-carb: A diet that restricts carbohydrate intake, often used for weight loss.

10. High-protein: A diet that emphasizes protein-rich foods, often used for muscle building.

11. Low-fat: A diet that restricts fat intake, often used for weight loss.

12. Low-sodium: A diet that restricts sodium intake, often used for heart health.


These food types can help individuals identify their dietary preferences, restrictions, and goals, making it easier to choose suitable food options.

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